At DOON Logistics Private Ltd we provide:
Factory Stuffing Container
From getting to manage your containers to get clearance from custom to ensure all type of vessels are connected with proper system. Our USP is that we provide single point solution for all Road, Rail and Air transport facilities that too with competitive pricing with highest quality of service. The multi-modal transport has been our prime focus from very start of this organization.
LCL Consolidation & De Stuffing
Taking care of all import and export managing with this dual scope can create issues, but we have got covered with all the controlled private bonded space, the ICD is therefore one of most valueble asset for reducing the overall cost from transportation of cargo till CFS’s gate port. Any comparison of ours with other competetiors will always give you an idea of how highly priced they are.
We bring together Custom / State Government authorities / Exporters And Importers / Shipping lines / Freight Forwarders / Custom house Agent / Policy makers to address the recent progression in the Export Import Trade.
This seminar aims to rediscover challenges and opportunities in the export import logistics in Rajasthan by all stakeholders.